Current Grants
- Johnson & Johnson (2021-2022)
- M-PIs: Rasheeta Chandler, Natalie Hernandez & Andrea G. Parker
- Title: Prevent Maternal Mortality using Mobile Technology (PM3)
- National Institutes of Health Grant (NIMHD, #1R34MH128048-01, 2021-2024)
- PI: Rasheeta Chandler; Co-Is: Natalie Hernandez & Andrea G. Parker
- Title: In-the-kNOW (Novel approaches to Optimizing Women’s Health): A mobile application to optimize HIV prevention and sexual/reproductive health communication among Black women in the Southern U.S.
- National Institutes of Health Grant (NIMHD, #1R01MD016882-01, 2021-2025)
- M-PIs: Tim Bickmore, Michael Paasche-Orlow, Andrea G. Parker
- Title: Community-based Design and Evaluation of a Conversational Agent to Promote SARS-COV2 Vaccination in Black Churches
- Google (2020)
- PI: Andrea G. Parker
- Title: Investigating Patterns & Impact of COVID-19 Information-Seeking Amongst Vulnerable Populations
- National Science Foundation Cyber-Human Systems Grant (#1815940, 2018-2022)
- PI: Andrea G. Parker
- Co-PIs: Brooke Foucault Welles, Catherine D’Ignazio
- Title: CHS: Small: Collaborative Research: Catalyzing Youth Civic Engagement Through Innovations in Social Computing.
- National Science Foundation Smart & Connected Communities Grant (#1831755, 2018-2022)
- PI: Timothy Bickmore, Co-PI: Michael Paasche-Orlow
- Co-Investigators: Andrea G. Parker, Stephen Intille, Jessica Hoffman
- Title: SCC: Smart and Connected Churches for Promoting Health in Disadvantaged Populations
Completed Grants
- Georgia Institute of Technology EVPR COVID-19 Rapid Response Seed Grant (2020-2021)
- PI: Andrea G. Parker
- Co-Investigators: Rasheeta Chandler, Natalie Hernandez
- Title: Maternal Health Telemedicine for Low-income Black Women Amidst COVID-19
- National Science Foundation Cyber-Human Systems Grant (#1618406, 2016-2021)
- PI: Andrea G. Parker
- Co-PIs: Jessica Hoffman, Carmen Sceppa, Magy Seif El-Nasr
- Title: CHS: Small: Experiential Learning Systems for Promoting Wellness in Low-Income Families.
- Northeastern University Tier 1 Grant (2018-2019)
- Lead Co-PI: Jackie Griffin
- Co-PIs: Andrea G. Parker, Miso Kim
- Title: Designing Emergency Response Services Processes for Elderly Evacuees.
- Northeastern University Institute for Health Equity & Social Justice (2018-2019)
- PI: Andrea G. Parker
- Title: Expressive Design: Personal Health Informatics Innovations to Support Coping & Resilience.
- National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging (#3 P30 AG048785-03S1, 2016-2018)
- PI: Margie Lachman (Brandeis U.), NEU Site PI: Carmen Sceppa, Co-I: Andrea G. Parker
- Title: Administrative Supplement: Boston Roybal Center for Active Lifestyle Interventions.
- Northeastern University Tier 1 Grant (2016-2017)
- Lead Co-PI: Andrea G. Parker, Co-PIs: Dietmar Offenhuber, Brooke Foucault Welles
- Title: Catalyzing Youth Advocacy Through Interactive Social Network Visualizations.
- Aetna Foundation Grant (2014-2016)
- PI: Andrea G. Parker; Co-PIs: Holly Jimison & Misha Pavel
- Title: Evaluation of the Community Empowerment Through Technological Innovations Initiative.
- Northeastern University Tier 1 Grant (2013-2014)
- Lead Co-PI: Andrea G. Parker; Co-PIs: Jessica Hoffman & Carmen Sceppa
- Title: Designing Community-Driven Technologies for Physical Activity Promotion in Families.
- Northeastern University College of Arts, Media & Design Grant (2013-2014)
- Co-PIs: Brooke Foucault Welles & Andrea G. ParkerTitle: Cultivating “Network Thinking” for Physical, Emotional and Social Wellness: A Pilot Study with Boston-Area Adolescents.